ATTFE Community Stars Volunteer Programme

Volunteering is a great way to:

· Build your confidence

· Support positive mental health

· Meet new people

· Give something back to your local community

· Gain valuable experience for future employment

We believe volunteers are the stars of our community and the ATTFE Community Star Volunteer Programme aims to support ATTFE Learners and members of our local community to engage in volunteering.

Volunteer roles will vary and will be matched based on your interests and time commitments. We hope to have a variety of opportunities on offer for people to get involved so, whether it is helping with our weekly coffee mornings, supporting our food pantries or supporting a local community group with a particular project there will be something for everyone.

As an incentive, volunteers engaging will be able to earn points for volunteering which will be turned into rewards to thank you for your efforts. Relevant training opportunities will be made available to volunteers engaging in the programme.

We are currently gathering interest from anyone wanting to learn more about this new programme. For more information or to register an interest, complete our Community Stars Volunteer Registration of interest form.

For more information email