Qualifications Available:

  • IMI Level 1 Diploma Transport Maintenance
  • IMI Level 2 Diploma Light Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Principles
  • IMI Level 3 Diploma Light Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Principles

About this Course

The programme of our Vehicle Maintenance courses involves learners studying both the theory and practical aspects of the essential knowledge and skills required by today’s motor vehicle repair industry. Learners also gain a broad knowledge and understanding of health and safety in the workplace and other skills associated with working in a garage.

About These Qualifications:

Our light vehicle qualifications are nationally recognised, vocational and vocationally-related qualifications which allow learners to demonstrate that their knowledge, skills and competence are of the standard required to work in the motor industry.

They are designed to help you build and showcase your skillset within this sector and cover areas such as the inspection, maintenance, repair and servicing of light vehicles.


These courses are assessed by a combination of written and practical tests, as well as online assessment.


These qualifications have the potential to provide useful recognition of learners’ professional competence, which may aid them in securing jobs and progression in to the vehicle and cycle maintenance industries. They may also provide a stepping stone to further education, potentially at degree level.