Enrichment Activities

Throughout the year we run various activities as part of our Personal Development programme. You will have the opportunity to take part in a range of visits and trips to different places. These may include industry specific workplaces and events, as well as other events such as the Skills Show. You’ll also take part in different sessions and activities to develop your personal skills and help you to build a detailed understanding of our society and the wider world in which we live.

Although your various enrichment activities do not lead to a formal qualification, they are a compulsory and important part of your course and will allow you to develop vital skills and knowledge needed for life, all whilst having a bit of fun too!

There will be a number of activities that give you the opportunity to meet with representatives from local and national businesses, which will be fantastic opportunities to network with potential future employers.

Three-Peaks Challenge

Every year, our PoS learners participate in the three peaks challenge, where they attempt the Yorkshire 3 Peaks to raise funds for the Rossendale & Pendle Mountain Rescue Team. 

Enrichment Sessions

Our #FEstive PoS learners visited Nottingham’s Winter Wonderland!

Our PoS Employability learners took part in Tai Chi with Ken as part of their enrichment session on Sutton Lawn, Sutton-in-Ashfield.

Our Sutton Campus PoS learners on their visit to Chetwyd Barracks in Chilwel.

Our PoS learners ventured out of their comfort zones and took part in rock climbing, abseiling and zip lining (complete with Super Soakers)!