Trust Policies

ATTFE College is part of a Multi-Academy Trust under Academy Transformation Trust. To view our shared policies, please click on the button below or by clicking the GVO link, here.

Localised Policies

Some policies contain information that is specific to our college You can access these policies via the GVO policy viewer by clicking the button below.

Please note:

Many of our policies are mandatory generic Academy Transformation Trust (ATT) Policies that apply to all of ATT’s schools and operating units including Academy Transformation Trust Further Education (ATTFE).

For the purpose of clarity, the following expressions and terminology in these policies also apply to ATTFE as follows:

“Principal” shall also mean the Principal of ATTFE.

“Academy” or “School” shall also mean ATTFE.

“Local Academy Committee (LAC)”, “Governors”, “Governing body” shall also mean the governing body of ATTFE.

“Pupils”, “children”, “students” or “learners” shall also mean the 16-19 and 19+ adult learners who attend ATTFE.

“Parents” or “Carers” shall also mean the parents or carers of 16-19 ATTFE learners, and where applicable the parents or carers of adults with learning difficulties and disabilities who do not live independently.

“Teachers” shall also mean the ATTFE teachers/tutors, assessors and any other categories of teaching and tutoring staff.

“Teaching Assistants” shall also mean the classroom assistants and support assistants employed by ATTFE.

The Department for Education Privacy Notice can be found here: Privacy notice for Key Stage 5 and adult education – GOV.UK (

Equality of Opportunity and Diversity

ATTFE College is committed to equality and diversity, as both a provider of services and as an employer. Our practices and procedures aim to reflect the varied needs, expectations and culture of all members of our community. We make every effort to ensure that no member of the community receives less favourable treatment when accessing our services on the grounds of:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation