Academy Transformation Trust Further Education (ATTFE) College is committed to supporting the Government’s PREVENT strategy.

The PREVENT strategy seeks to safeguard learners to help keep them both safe and within the law. The PREVENT duty is not about preventing students from having political and religious views and concerns, but is about supporting them to voice those concerns or act on them in non-extremist ways. The PREVENT strategy focuses upon the prevention of radicalisation and extremism.

Staff employed by ATTFE College have undertaken PREVENT training and have this embedded in the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) cycle to ensure regular updates are undertaken.

ATTFE College ensures learners are aware of the PREVENT strategy through class induction, weekly sessions, wall displays, learner newsletters and social media/website information. We also seek out online and other training opportunities for learners so that they all understand the risks of radicalisation and extremism.

ATTFE is an active participant in the DfE East Midlands FE Prevent Regional Network to ensure that both learners and staff are up-to-date and current with developments in the national counter-extremism and anti-radicalisation strategy.


More information about the Prevent Duty can be found here: