Qualifications Available:

  • Level 1 Diploma Entry into the Uniformed Services
  • Level 2 Diploma Entry into the Uniformed Services
  • Level 3 Diploma Entry into the Uniformed Services
Uniformed Public Services learners

About this Course

The primary purpose of this qualification is to prepare you to enter employment in the Uniformed Services sector.

This qualification is designed to give you a good insight into the practical activities which the uniformed services require. You will research and visit a range of extended uniformed services, developing a broad understanding of the uniformed services sector, investigating employment opportunities, developing wellbeing, physical fitness and self-discipline, building teamworking skills, and understanding health and safety.

Optional units may provide opportunities to carry out map reading and navigation, explore volunteering opportunities, participate in competitive sport and take part in adventurous activities.


These courses are assessed through a portfolio of evidence and observation of work-based practice.

About These Qualifications:

These qualifications aim to provide informed and prepared potential recruits. They enable learners to prepare to make a recruitment application or provide a basis for further Study and progression towards the entry qualification of a specific service, providing learners with an insight into the practical qualities they require, not only for uniformed services, but also for employment in general.


Learners who achieve at Level 1 might consider progression to Level 2 qualifications in areas such as Entry to the Uniformed Services, Outdoor Activity Leadership, Team Leading, Sport and Public Services.

Successful completion of the Level 2 course could lead to employment in a number of job roles in the uniformed services, which include the Army, Navy, RAF, Ambulance Service, Fire and Rescue Service, Police, Coastguard, Prison Service and more. Level 3 learners may have the option to progress to higher education study.