The ALL Bursary is available to learners aged 19+ who are on a Level 3+ courses that are funded by a loan from the Student Loans Company (SLC).
Learners may apply if their household income, as household income based on HMRC allowances and the Benefit Cap, falls within the range as shown below.
Payments will be made to the learner’s bank account directly by BACS transfer as shown above.
Learners should apply using the application form provided, and provide in full all information and supporting evidence that is requested.
Applications for childcare support through the ALL Bursary will be assessed separately. In usual circumstances, where childcare support is approved the full cost will be met for the first child supported, and 50% of the cost for 2nd and subsequent children. In usual circumstances, learners who receive childcare cost support will not also receive the personal Bursary payment as above.
ATTFE cannot consider, approve or make payments for any ALL Bursary application until the SLC has formally approved the learner’s loan application. During holidays (including half-term), only retainer fees for nursery will be paid and not the full amount. In usual circumstances, payment of the Bursary can only be made from the date of loan approval by the SLC.