ATTFE’s remote education offer during Covid-19 lockdown from 5th January 2021
All of our courses and provision have transferred to a remote and distance learning offer, based upon the models that were successfully developed and implemented during the first national lockdown from March 2020. This is for both 16-19 and 19+ age learner cohorts.
Classes are taking place through distance learning as originally timetabled to promote access and minimise disruption. The main virtual learning environment used is Microsoft TEAMS but this is supplemented by other remote learning communication such as telephone and email contact. Assessment of learner progress will be built into this approach and actual qualification assessments will be conducted in line with the consultation and advice and guidance from Ofqual and the Department for Education from January 2021 onwards.
Learners are expected to attend fully for their remote learning in the same way as face-to-face, and full attendance registration and monitoring is made in the same way for all classes. Learning tasks are set by tutors and learners are encouraged and expected to engage with these in the same way. Learners experiencing difficulty in access through ICT equipment and connectivity are supported through the loan and provision of such equipment from ATTFE. Learners who are experiencing an environment not suitable for learning are encouraged to discuss their needs with ATTFE, particularly those aged 16-18.
Courses that require specialised equipment and facilities, for example Motor Vehicle, Construction and Hair and Beauty, are delivering the practical elements where this is possible and also focusing upon the theoretical elements of the syllabus during the lockdown.
Learners with special needs and additional needs are supported in their learning by their experienced tutors and by specialist staff.